There are over 1000 varieties of mangoes in India. Less than 20 are grown commercially. The World's 36% of mangoes are produced in India [18 million tonnes]. Second, on the list, China only produces 4 million tonnes.Despite being the highest producer in the world, the share of Indian mangoes in global mango trade is less than 3% - that too in the canned form. The share of fresh mangoes exports is negligible for India.

Anyway, that means more fruit for us at home. At home, UP produces 23% of all Indian mangoes, AP produces 22% and Karnataka produces 11% - so those 3 states produce over 50% of all mangoes.

Here is some quick profile of mango varieties so that you can know the mango you eat next time by its name.

Alphonso: Called as Badami in Karnataka and Happus in Maharashtra, Alphonsos are called the king of mangoes.Totapuri: The fruit size is medium to large, its shape is oblong with necked base and colour is golden yellow. It is widely used for processing.

Banganapalli: Also known as Safeda, it is a commercial variety of Andhra and Tamil Nadu.Dasheri: This variety derives its name from the village Dashehari near Lucknow. Tastes rich and sweet.

Himsagar: This variety is indigenous to Bengal. This is one of the choicest varieties of Bengal and has gained extensive popularity.Kesar: This is an expensive variety of Gujarat with a red blush on the shoulders. One of the most expensive ones. Fruit size is medium, shape oblong and keeping quality is goodLangra: This variety is indigenous to Varanasi area of Uttar Pradesh. Legend says the mother tree still lives today in a village in UP. The house belongs to a person who is mobility impaired - hence the name.Ambika: This is a variety developed from a cross between Amrapali and Janardan Pasand and released in the year 2000 for commercial cultivation.

Mulgoa : This is a commercial variety of south India. It is quite popular among the lovers of mango owing to the high quality.Vanraj: It is a highly prized variety of Vadodra district of Gujarat and fetches good returns. The fruit is medium in size, ovate-oblong in shape and colour is deep chrome.Suvernarekha: This is a commercial variety of Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh.

Chausa : This variety originated as a chance seedling in the orchard of a Talukdar of Sandila district Hardoi, U.P.

Eat a MANGO đŸ„­.


IG:- @Kashifzaidi49

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