Many of us born after nehru era. Many of us never understand the cold war era. Many of us never know the rebuilding of western countries after ww 2. (how Americans took opportunity in Europe . How it impacted india and its independence) .many of us never know the western countries laughable comments about first indian general elections. Many of us never know that nehru era started with empty treasury left out by great Britain. Many of us never agree about the then global political conditions in which the said nehru government took the hard decision to take up the issue to un. Many of us never know the struggles of Simultaneous integrating india , to start the building of Indian economy from the scratch , partition problems , famine illiteracy etc (war?? What we had arrows and gadha). But please understand that just with today's scenario never comment just like that. This is for the politicians as well social media handlers. Better read historical books with authenticate records about partition from guha , ambedkar kushwant y.khan and well known historians especially about kashmir.
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